How to Use the Resistor Color Code Calculator
And the following will show you how to use this tool to read the color code of resistors, calculate the resistor value in Ohms (Ω) for 4-band, 5-band and 6-band resistors based on the color code on the resistor and identify the resistor's value, tolerance, and power rating. So you can use this parallel resistor calculator to make basic and complex electrical circuits for both home and industrial purposes. Known as ohmmeter calculator, the Color Code resistor calculator is the integration of 4 Band, 5 Band and 6 Band Resistor Color Code Calculators. A resistance calculator for the color code of resistor is an efficient way to help you to find the right one for your needs, whether it is for a circuit or just to know what type of resistor you have in your box. There are many different types of resistors in electronics today.
Resistor Color Code Calculator is an interactive online Calculator to calculate the resistance value based on color bands or color-coded stripes on a resistor.